Meteorology by Beat
Ambient Pop sounds are provided by Mode Audio‘s approximately 630 MB sound archive Meteorology, which wants to provide both sonically colossal raging weather systems, as well as calm seas. Loops with Ambiences (30), Basses (30), Drums (30), Percussions (60), Synthesizers (31) and Textures (30) can be found in here. Complementing these are 68 individual samples consisting of Drums and Sound Effects, as well as 61 MIDI sequences. The textures come across as restless weather capers, while the ambiences sound more soothing, though sometimes more frightening, and make good background elements. The drums are not very innovative, but varied rhythms and creative use of effects make them inspiring nonetheless. The loop tempo fluctuates moderately between 70 and 120 BPM.
Among the highlights of Meteorology are the ambience and texture loops, which are likely to be needed not only in Ambient music productions, but are also suitable for movies and games.