Resonate by ProducerSpot

Samples - we can't seem to get enough of them; we always want more and are always on the hunt for them either for free ones or if we hear something so pleasing we would even be willing to fork out some life credits for them. Now, this pack is in my opinion definitely one of the ones to say here take my money. As we all know drums are one of the most important things in our productions if not the most important for some genres.
Introducing ModeAudio's Resonate 400 analog drum samples the biggest drum pack that ModeAudio has made so far. Featuring 113 analog kick samples, 72 analog snare samples, 41 analog clap samples, 74 analog hi-hat samples, 74 analog percussion samples, 26 analog shaker samples, 10 drum kit patches, 5 tuned kick patches and 4 channel strip settings. All of these samples were derived from multiple sessions with vintage hardware and processed with great care and are all 44.1 kHz 24 bit wav files.
This whole pack is comprised of one hit samples and to be honest, those are my favorite types of packs just because it's easy to create your own custom drum racks and you don't have to slice and dice anything to get going on your music.
Each of the samples in this pack are of great quality they sound great from long booming 808s great for trap, tight and punchy 909s great for techno, tight snares, great claps and shimmering hats and cymbals these samples really work well across multiple genres.
ModeAudio has done a great job of the processing of each of these samples and gives you the option of having dry samples as well as processed ones which is nice having the option to process the original samples to your liking. Along with the 10 drum racks and 5 instrument racks they have also given along 4 great processing chains which sound great and give some really nice effects to your drums from either making your highs go all sparkly to super punchy kicks and snares, I really like these chains and will probably end up using them in allot of my productions.
In conclusion, I really like this pack the variety of samples is great they sound awesome processed or unprocessed they work well across multiple genres and 400 well-crafted samples for 15 pounds is just a steal in my opinion. This is a great pack to have in your sonic arsenal and ModeAudio have done a wonderful job at crafting these and I will surely be looking around their site for the other packs they have.
Resonate is available in 5 formats: Wav Samples, Reason ReFill, Logic Pack, FL Studio Pack and Ableton Live Pack.
Score: 9/10