Alt Drums BundleSamples & Patches

- 257 Kick Samples
- 211 Snare Samples
- 127 Hi Hat Samples (Open & Closed)
- 59 Clap Samples
- 106 Bell Samples
- 62 Shaker Samples
- 334 Found Percussion Samples
- 157 Other Percussion Samples (Congas, Toms, Rims, Cymbals & More)
- 55 Drum Kit Sampler Patches
- 18 Channel Strips (Drum Processing)
- 1386 Files In Total
Drum and percussion samples come in many flavours but it's the ones with just that little bit of an edge to them that really make your beats stand out - enter the ModeAudio Alt Drums Bundle, packed to the rafters with 1313 punchy, exotic sounds that will spice up your beats and push them out into exciting, unchartered territory like never before!
From the invigorating pulse of live-performed hand percussion driven to saturation point, through thumping drum machine sounds carefully laced with synth tones and textures, to everyday household objects recorded in infinitesimal detail to produce startling found percussion, this collection contains a wonderfully warped wealth of striking percussion sounds of unusual depth and flexibility.
We've combined 4 sample libraries for this bundle release that collectively bottle up the familiar worlds of drum machine and live percussion sounds, mix in generous drips of intoxicating tones and textures, and shake them up into delicious concoctions of tasty, otherworldly percussive power.
Alongside the scintillating drum and percussion samples themselves, we've also included a rock-solid set of 55 kit sampler patches and 18 channel strips for your favourite DAW, allowing you to load up carefully mixed and matched sample selections and get beat-building the instant after download.
Take a trip off the beaten path and transform your drum sound into something strange and seductive - pour a helping of ModeAudio Alt Drums Bundle over your beats today!
The bundle contains the following packs:
Pulse - Live Percussion Samples - the warm, saturated sound of a live percussionist driven hot through a vintage desk is the very soul of this collection of 420 lively percussion samples, from resonant, vibrant djembe and congas to shimmering, glassy bells, layered kicks, sparkling snares and beyond!
Ignition - FX Drum Samples - this explosive collection vibrates with 320 sounds blending tonal, spectral and synthetic flavours with classic, punchy and powerful drum machine recordings. If you like your drum sounds more than a little off the beaten track then this is the pack for you!
Raw Material - Found Percussion Samples - welcome to our intricately recorded, household percussion emporium of wildly diverse sonic flavour, overflowing with 322 samples ranging from deep oven-door slams, wooden slaps and fire-tong scrapes to dishwasher twangs, glass bottle taps, coin rattles, lighter flicks, plastic bottle pops, rustles, fizzles, clinks, snaps, claps and much more!
Analog Snap - Percussion Samples - introducing the frazzled bleeps, bone-shaking thumps and crisp, gritty crunches of 251 analog hardware samples, created in our vintage synth lab with some temperamental circuitry, processing wizardry and a whole lot of love!
Bundle PacksFormats
All formats are included in your purchase.
Pack: Analog Snap
WAV Samples
- 251 WAV Samples
Reason ReFill
- 251 WAV Samples
- 12 Kong Kits
- 5 Combinator Patches
Logic Pack
- 251 WAV Samples
- 12 EXS24 Kits
- 5 Channel Strip Settings
- Logic Project File
FL Studio Pack
- 251 WAV Samples
- 12 DirectWave Kits
- 4 Mixer Settings
Ableton Live Pack
- 251 WAV Samples
- 12 Drum Racks
- 5 Audio Effect Racks
- Ableton Live Project Session*
Pack: Ignition
WAV Samples
- 320 WAV Drum Samples
Reason ReFill
- 320 WAV Drum Samples
- 12 Kong Kits
- 5 Combinator Patches
Logic Pack
- 320 WAV Drum Samples
- 12 EXS24 Kits
- 5 Channel Strip Settings
- Demo Project [Logic Pro X & 9]
FL Studio Pack
- 320 WAV Drum Samples
- 12 DirectWave Kits
Ableton Live Pack
- 320 WAV Drum Samples
- 12 Drum Racks
- 5 Audio Effect Racks
- Ableton Live Project Session*
*Please make sure you have updated your version of Ableton Live to 9.1.3 or later to use the presets in this pack.
Pack: Pulse
WAV Samples
- 420 WAV Percussion Samples
Reason ReFill
- 420 WAV Drum Samples
- 12 Kong Kits
- 4 Combinator Effect Patches
*Please update to Reason 8 to ensure compatibility with this ReFill
Logic Pack
- 420 WAV Drum Samples
- 12 EXS24 Kit Presets
- 4 Channel Strip Settings
- 1 Logic Pro 9 Demo Project
- 1 Logic Pro X Demo Project
FL Studio Pack
- 420 WAV Drum Samples
- 12 DirectWave Kit Presets
Ableton Live Pack
- 420 WAV Drum Samples
- 12 Drum Racks
- 4 Audio Effect Racks
- 1 Ableton Live 9 Demo Project*
*Please update to Ableton Live 9.6 or newer to use the presets in this pack
Pack: Raw Material
WAV Samples
- 322 WAV Samples
Reason ReFill
- 322 WAV Samples
- 19 Kong Kits
- 4 Combinator Patches*
Logic Pack
- 322 WAV Samples
- 19 EXS24 Patches
- 4 Channel Strip Settings
- Logic Pro Demo Project
FL Studio Pack
- 322 WAV Samples
- 19 DirectWave Patches
- 1 DirectWave Bank
Ableton Live Pack
- 322 WAV Samples
- 19 Drum Racks
- 5 Audio Effect Racks
- Ableton Live 9 Demo Project*
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