IoniseSerum SFX Presets
- 60 SFX Presets (Granular, FX & Noise)
- 60 Custom Noise Samples (Spectral Resynthesis, Field Recordings & Drones)
- 15 Custom Wavetables (Orchestral and Synthesised)
Cover your music in the delicate rushing of granulated waves of sound, the organic texture of globe-spanning field recordings and the hushed momentum of carefully filtered noise with our latest release, Ionise - Serum SFX Presets!
Collecting 60 kinetic .fxp presets for Xfer Records' Serum synth into one highly reactive release, this royalty-free patch selection will gently enliven and enrich your productions with deft layers of subtly shifting sound.
The foundation of this patch library is a set of 60 intricately crafted noise samples, which scatter between vivid sonic visions of both real-world and synthetic texture. Simply load a preset and hold down a key to hear clouds of noise unfurl from your speakers, gathering and dispelling in strangely fascinating formations.
A handful of the presets have been further developed with 15 custom wavetables, harnessing synthesised and orchestral tones for you to work seamlessly into the sound bed of your next DAW session.
Divided between noise, granular and SFX sound types, each noise sample is drawn through Serum's arsenal of modulators and effects, embellishing the unique shape and spacing of each sound into 60 quietly evolving SFX textures from the cautious to the cavernous.
Every preset comes ready for instant manipulation with all 4 macros pre-assigned inside Serum, allowing you to tweak to taste to ensure each sound fits smoothly within the context of your own music.
Breathe new life into your sound with this choice of sweeping, swirling SFX - download Ionise - Serum SFX Presets today!
Synth PresetsFormats
All formats are included in your purchase.
- 60 .fxp Files*
- 60 WAV Noise Samples
- 15 WAV Wavetables
*Please update Serum to the latest version to make sure you can use these presets with your synth
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