WAV Files

Our inspiring selection of ultra high quality WAV audio files are compatible with almost every piece of music-making equipment on the planet - find your sound below, download and create your best track yet!

Dubstep Metropolis

Dubstep Metropolis

Synth Loops [Extension]
50 manic, epic Dubstep Synth & Bass Loops that aren't afraid of the dark!
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Drum Collider

Drum Collider

Drum Hits [Extension]
160 rock-solid Drum Samples - grab the essentials & tripped-out sound design!
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"ModeAudio is a strong provider of content in the official Reason ReFill shop. The quality of their ReFills is impeccable and their sense of style is spot on."

- Reason Studios AB

Inspiring WAV Files For Your Next DAW Session

WAV files come in all shapes and sizes but what you can expect from our dynamic selection is character, professionalism and detail, every time. Whether you're interested in swirling SFX, huge drum samples or synth loops, our audio files are designed for maximum impact and seamless integration into your production setup!

Our WAV format audio packs are precision-crafted for use in a number of the best DAWs available, including Ableton LiveFL StudioReason and Logic Pro. However, if you're just looking for sounds alone then there's plenty of inspiration to be found with our WAV download format.

The WAV sounds included in the ModeAudio catalogue range from the essentials, such as drums, synths and bass, to the unique and unusual, such as found percussion, intricate synth textures and beyond. Download, extract and drop into your DAW project - musical momentum at a moment's notice!

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